Sunday, July 6, 2008

Text Messaging is not LOL

As cell phone usage is becoming as common as diet cola, the actual “talking” part is taking a backseat to another cell phone function. This function is “text messaging.”

For those not cognizant of the whole text message phenomena (which I’m sure there aren’t too many), it is using your cell phone as an instant emailing device to another cell phone.

Yes, I admit it—I have fallen victim to the text messaging brouhaha like a lot of folks. It is just so damn convenient and impersonal. Who the hell wants to actually talk to anyone? I don’t have time for a real conversation. I just want to communicate with a few choice letters, numbers and symbols. Better yet, I want to use acronyms to communicate my general feelings at that given moment.

For instance, if someone sends me something hilarious, I may respond with an “LOL.” That means “Laughing Out Loud” for you non-texters. Of course, I am not really laughing out loud---people might think I’m insane or possessed. In addition, when I want to say “you”, I will type the letter “U”. Brilliant I say! No time to type words!

I kid, I kid. Although I admit to using text messaging, I also understand the dangers of this digital deciphering debauchery.

Text messaging in the wrong hands can be a hazard to one’s health. First of all, if you have a teenager, your blood pressure will be impacted when you receive the bill. 8500 text messages in one month! Are you %$#^@ nuts? Of course the kids always bring up some mystery friend from school that had 13,000 texts—zowey!!!

Another pitfall of epic proportions is this infernal text messaging while driving a car thing. What is so important that can’t wait until the five minute drive home from school is over? Oh yeah. Wendy’s has a new Frosty flavor.

Remember the good old days when we were just worried about people talking on their cell while rocketing down the road? At least they could see the road. Is it just a coincidence that automobile accidents went way up last year? Chew on this… According to CTIA-The Wireless Assn., U.S. subscribers sent close to 48 billion text messages last year compared to a paltry 9 billion from 2005. Hmmm, gee I wonder if there is a correlation?

Text messaging has its positives, when used in moderation. I actually send a “group” text message to my softball team when there is a rainout. NICE! However, I don’t send it while driving to Wendy’s for that new Frosty. LOL! Any questions? If so, then RTFM… ; )