Thursday, May 19, 2011

Trippin on Zeppelin

First of all, we lost Durbin last week--I know, I know... some of you are glad, and some of you vowed to drink paint before you ever watch Idol again. Personally, I was disappointed. He brought a different genre to light on Idol that has never been seen before and performed it well.

And now he's gone... and we have two country singers and a rock/jazz fusion goddess left. To prevent this from becoming Nashville Idol, I am hoping that Haley stays alive to face Scoddy the Scooder McCooter in the finale. Did she do enough to ensure that spot in the final two?

The format for the night is singer's choice, Jimmy Bovine's choice and Juggheads' choice... Three songs for each performer. We also have Beyonce, who is there for moral support and positive feedback.

So here we go, starting with...

Scoddy McCooter - Amazed by Lonestar: I wasn't amazed at the song or the performance, but it was typical Scoddy. Maybe this was HOT for you country fans, I am just not feeling it. Scoddy is so good at singing country songs, it almost seems to easy. B+

Laurena Alien - Wild One by Faith Hill: Again, another country song--this is going to be a long night! Like Scoddy, Lauren is very solid and capable of singing great country music. No exception here, but as I write this today, I can barely remember this performance! B

Haley Risinghart - What is and What Should Never Be by Led Zeppelin: Wow, the song choice by Haley blew me out of the water. But how would she perform? How about SMOKIN HOT! This was one of those performances that I will never forget. And no, not cuz she fell down! To top it off, her dad shredded on the axe with his own daughter in front of millions--can it get better than that? A

HERE'S JIMMY!!! Time for the perpetual HAT-head to pick some good songs! Jimmy Jimmy Coco Puff!

Scoddy - Are you Gonna Kiss Me or Not by Meh Country Band: Scoddy is sportin the guitar on this song. That, and his googly eyes are all that I can recall about this performance. B

Lauren - If I Die Young by Band Perry: It's supposed to be a hurtful downer of a song, but peppy Lauren will make it upbeat! Other than missing a "key change" (in her own words), the song was fine. Not blown away by Lauren yet, how will she do on #3? B-

Haley - Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac: Good song choice, but someone did this song last season and they failed to impress - let's see How Haley fares... and the verdict is? Fantastic! Take that, Redneck Idol! By this time, I am firmly in Haley's corner and hoping she can pull out a WIN! BTW, great use of the smoke and wind machine! B+

Before we move to Juggies'choices, we must first witness a portion of Beyonce's new music video, which is an interesting mix of Spartacus meets Mad Max. She even blows up a car with her mind powers. How about you blow up Seacrest's arms a bit--they are looking a little shriveled lately.

In any event... on to the Chucklehead choices!

Scoddy - She Believes in Me by Kenny Rogers: Baby lock them doors and turn the lights down low... Oops, that was Scoddy's dad! Hey how bout another country song, and make it a ballad too! Right on sirs! The chorus brought Scotty out of his lower register comfort zone, but it sounded forced and unnatural. He still did a decent job with it, and will be in the Finals cuz gramma said so. B

Lauren - I Hope you Choke by Leann Womack: Shocker! Country Song! Honestly, I was almost sleeping when this song was performed. I can only take so much sappy hee-haw music and then it all sounds like white noise with chaps and spurs. I think this was slightly better than her other songs, but overall, a pretty average night. B+

Haley - You Oughtta Know by Alannis Morissette: SWEET--love this song and I have wanted her to sing this all season. First, we gotta edit out the nasties, of course. Started the song a little on the soft side, maybe a little too soft. However, when the chorus and angry parts came up, she smoked 'em! YOU, YOU, YOU! Oughtta Know that Haley is I I T W I !!!!!!! A-

Rankings for Tri-fecta Night:


In my opinion, Haley is the clear winner. She picked the best song, and she successfully sang whatever else they threw at her. Scotty and Lauren didn't leave their comfort zones at all, and quite frankly, they were boring (for me). I am thinking a Haley/Scotty finale is in the making, and that would be pretty cool. A Scotty/Lauren finale would be disastrous. Nothing against Lauren, but only enough room for one country kid.

So long, blue-eyed Lauren. We will miss your Prom and Pirate's dresses, and your spitt'n image Mom and the 300 other members of your family.

Haley vs Scotty for the big mozzarella!!! Until next week...


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