Thursday, February 28, 2008

Girls suckin' in the 70's

I was really looking forward to last night's performances, it being 70's week and all. However, with the exception of two performers, it was a catastrophic calamity. The girls didn't bring it at all, and once again (I sound like a freaking broken record), it comes down to making the right decisions on song choice.

The most memorable thing about last night's show was seeing one of my favorite contestants completely and totally self-implode on stage. It may have been one of the worst Top 24 performances in the history of the show. Of course, you guessed it--I am referring to Amanda Bachman Turner Overmeyer. Nurse rocket looked more like Lilian from the Munsters--the hair was both appalling and cadaverous. Was this American Idol, or Elvira--Mistress of the Dead?

I believe Carly the Leprechaun Smithson has put herself in the driver seat for the women. The other girls will have to do some serious soul-searching if they want to stay in it!

Now enough of that introductory drivel--on to the clown parade!

1. Carly Simon Smithereenson: The wild Irish bartender took on Ann Wilson and did a pretty masterful job. Great song choice and solid performance---it could be a good night for the ladies!

2. Cyanide Mercado: Her baby imitation was the highlight of her night. The song was indulgent, but came across as boring. Maybe go back to acting and picking up sea shells.

3. Babbling Brooke White: Blondie is a beauty school dropout---sweet. Judging by that sad haircut to her husband, it's probably a good thing. Great song choice as she covered Carly Simon's Your So Vain, and then she sung it to Simon---brilliant! Good performance and the guitar playing was nice.

4. Romulan Lullaby: The little smurf wore baseball pants AGAIN, but wasn't anywhere near as good as she was last week. She is still a contender I think, but needs to kick some @ss next week or she'll be in trouble.

5. Kung Pao Kristy: Tomboy torture. Kristy ho-hummed us a non-challenging song that literally gave us NOTHING to remember. Very boring and as dull as Simon's fashion sense. She will need to focus on country to stick around.

6. Elvira Frankenstein: Back to Lilian Munster: Not sure who is helping her with song choices and hearing her auditions, but they should be forced to drink paint. This was a disaster of epic proportions and that is too bad because I was rooting for her. I am still reeling from this macabre mayhem. When did they hire Tim Burton as makeup and hair artist?

7. Ahh-laina Underwood Jr.: Did an old Grease song by Olivie Fig Newton John. It was just aight with me dog. I think she is very talented, but she was kind of all over the map on this one. Sometimes too soft, sometimes too loud. Not WOWED.

8. Alex And Ray Ahhh Lush Ing Ton: The song was lame then, and is still lame now. How did she come to pick this bowzer of a song? And who dressed her last night? Canteen boy? Those cargo shorts were a goofy eyesore. The night is turning into a big disappointment.

9. Katty Mall-Annoy: She needs to just start imitating people again, because her own voice is wickedly flaccid. I've heard field mice sing better than this. She should just stick to standup comedy and/or opera. This competition is way too big for her. I think she's gone this time.

10. Asia "don't call me fant-asia" Schwepperson: Took on a huge song and got it partially right, but not right enough. I still like her and think if she gets the song choices right, she could go a long way.

All in all, a very disappointing 90 minutes of mediocrity. Ricky and band are shaking their heads after last night. They could have been home doing laundry or cleaning tile or something more constructive. Carly and Brooke get tonight's honors, the rest need to get a clue or leave with some dignity.

Rankings for last night:

1. Carlee O'McSmithson
2. Brooke Babbler

Tie between:

3. Fant Asia
4. Romulean
5. Alame-ah
6. Alexand Ray A
7. Slowesha
8. King Pao Kristy

Bottom Feeders:

9. Katty M'Annoy
10. Elvira Munster

I think it will for sure be Katty, but not convinced we've seen the last of Nurse Noose. Slowesha Mercotto and KungFu Kristy might fall as well. What do you think?


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